Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counselling, Level 5 (Dip-5) is an 18-month study programme that is a tailor-made qualification (TMQ) awarded by CPCAB,UK.

Eligibility: only those candidates who have successfully completed Certificate/Diploma Level 4 from CPCAB,UK  or any other equivalent body.

This Diploma is a practioner’s course and qualifies the candidates to practise as counsellors/therapists.

It starts with an in-house study of the psychodynamic approach for 16 weeks and then an in-depth study of the humanistic modality and integrating different humanistic therapies. It focuses on the contemporary developments of the following humanistic theories : Person-centred, Gestalt, Existential and Transactional Analysis with a robust emphasis on the client work in counselling and formulating one’s own independent  model of counselling practice.

Assessment: is an ongoing process throughout the course of study with one major submission in each module, along with other works like reflective written works, active class participations and demonstration of skills in skill building and practice sessions.

The students have to work on an Academic Research Essay (5000 words) chosen from the grid of topics available on the portal and a PowerPoint presentation on the academic essay.

A Case Study on their clinical experience with any one of their clients marks as the final written work.

We emphasize building up the evaluative skills that is done through self, peer and tutor evaluation as assigned by the tutor.

Therapeutic Proficiency: The students have to pass the checkpoint of therapeutic competence and proficiency in Module 4 by submitting a 50-minute ASR (audio-session recording).

Mandatory requirements:

Client hours:100 (51 in-person & 49 online)

Supervision: 20 hours.

This is an experiential course where there is a lot of emphasis  on practising the skills learned through role plays, class participation and  presentations etc.

Along with

Placement : 40 hours,

Personal therapy : 50 hours,

and CPD : 20 hours.

Diploma Award : The students have to complete all mandatory requirements and portfolio submissions within six months from the last day of classes to be eligible for their Diploma Award.

Mode of Delivery:

Blended Learning: with the option of

face-to-face weekly or block teaching days (70%)

And online classes (30%).

Online classes: 100% online classes

or  Face-to-face classes (In-person classes available only in Lahore).

Timings: available in both mornings or evenings.

Course Duration: 18 months

Classes: once a week

Duration: 3  1/2  hours per class

(Block Teaching classes to stretch over full day classes).


Fee for Pakistani Students

Registration Fee: Rs. 30,000/= (one time payment)

Monthly Fee : Rs. 25,000/= per month.


Fee for international students applying from other countries . This fee is to be paid into our UK bank account.

Registration Fee: £ 200/= (one time payment)

Monthly Fee : £ 150/= per month.


CPCAB Fee: £300/- for international registration (one time payment that is due two months after the course starts). Please note that the CPCAB Registration Fee is separate and has to be paid only when the batch is registered.